Episode 43: Things That Go Bump in the Night, Vol. 1 – Vampires

Episode 43: Things That Go Bump in the Night, Vol. 1: Vampires

As we head into Halloween, we talk about pop culture vampires. What’s with the sexy vampire stuff? They’re nasty bastards.

Bill also complains about getting old. That part is a real bummer – you may want to skip that section.

We cover the news and sign off with some sexy funk.

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Episode 43: Things That Go Bump in the Night, Vol. 1: Vampires   

Show Summary

• Bill’s Age: Feeling 48 but physically like 60
• Aches and Pains: The struggle with physical breakdowns
• CGI Overload: How CGI is taking over Hollywood
• Classic Movies: The charm of practical effects
• Vampires: The evolution of vampire portrayal in films
• Hollywood News
• Viewer Questions: Answering your burning questions